Things to Never Do After an Amazon Seller Account Suspension

Things to Never Do After an Amazon Seller Account Suspension

Things to Never Do After an Amazon Seller Account Suspension


Amazon is one of the biggest marketplaces globally, and for them, its biggest goal is flawless customer service. Despite all efforts, even if your amazon seller’s account got suspended, don’t panic. We got you covered.

There are several reasons for which your account can get suspended. First of all, find out the reason for the suspension and then think of a plan of action. These are the quick tips. But before anything, you must learn about things you should never do.

Many blogs are available on the internet stating how to revive your amazon seller account. But we suggest you not rush as sometimes a quick reaction can lead to permanent loss of the account.

Things Not to Do When your Account is Suspended:

Do Not Create a New Account

If you are planning to create a new account and start selling on it, please do not do that. Even if you enter a different name and other details, it is not easy to fool Amazon. Once you are caught creating another account, your new account will be linked to the original account. In this case, the chance of reinstating your seller’s account will be zero, plus it will damage your reputation.

Don’t Threaten Legal Action

Threatening Amazon through an attorney is one of the deadly mistakes that can cost your account. Even if your amazon seller’s account is suspended because of any confusion or without any fault of yours, keep calm. Instead of hiring an attorney for your case, we advise you to personally communicate with the Amazon Appeal team. Do not allow your attorney to communicate with Amazon.

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Don’t Use Vulgar Language

Suspension can be upsetting and frustrating at the same time, but do not lose your cool. Try to explain the situation and what exactly happened in the most sophisticated way. Never indulge in heated arguments or vulgar language while communicating with the Amazon team. This not only costs you your account banned forever but also creates a bad reputation.

Don’t Blame Buyers or Amazon

Even if your account is suspended, do not ever blame Amazon or buyers for it. Instead, focus on your own practices and process while writing the appeal letter. Always keep in mind that Amazon is a buyer-centric company. Even if you find the mistake from their side, try to handle the situation in a very practical way rather than just playing the blame game.

Don’t Change Invoices

Another deadly mistake that can cost you so much is modifying information invoices. This creates more suspicion and can lead to permanent bans on the Amazon seller’s account.


We hope that after reading the blog, you have understood what not to do if your Amazon seller account gets suspended. You can take the help of amazon listing reinstatement services from AMZ. We can help you to reinstate the seller account at the earliest time possible. We are here to guide you in the right direction to revive your income stream from Amazon. Contact us today to have proper clarity and thoughts on the suspended account.


Frequently Asked Questions

Unquestionably! This is without a doubt the initial step. We explore your record and execution to mind boggling levels with the goal that we can offer you the most fitting counsel.

In the event that you adhere to our directions and don’t actualize any adjustments in the allure reports, we guarantee you an unconditional promise contingent upon the case and your record status. Amazon claims cycle can go up to 15 dismissals. We esteem our time and your time, on the off chance that we figure the record can’t be re-established, we will quit taking a shot at the case and issue you a full discount. It will be our choice when to finish up the case.

We will keep dealing with the interest for your record until your record has been re-instated. This will incorporate all the back to back reactions that Amazon requests with respect to your record suspension and initiation. We do an intensive registration for each answer from Amazon and right the mix-ups with the goal that you are back in real life in a matter of seconds

We are no longer bound by the contract after your account has been restored. For any additional offences, Amazon has the right to suspend the account again. Only one suspension is allowed per service.

Amazon typically responds between 1–7 business days, although we’ve seen answers take anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks in our experience.

As your professional Amazon reinstatement consultant, we will provide you with the best service possible, and I will write you a winning Amazon appeal that will provide you the best chances of reinstatement. That said, we cannot ultimately control how Amazon will decide your case as this is the nature of the business unfortunately. Each case is unique with different dynamics and factors; however, we will only take your case if I think we can win it. This is the reason why I have a 100% success rate right now, and we do not believe in leading clients on to simply waste their time or mine. Rest assured you are in very capable hands should you decide to use our services. We have often gotten seller accounts reactivated from Amazon sellers that first went to my competitors to only be disappointed. Don’t waste your time and money on unqualified service providers or amateurs that don’t know what they are doing. Contact me first before you pay anyone and let us get you reinstated the “right” way.

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    AMZ Sidekicks Help Amazon Sellers to Reactivate Accounts or Product Listings by constructing a Bespoke Appeal for your Unique Suspension.
